At Simple Church, we teach and practice the Biblical principle of tithing. Tithe simply means a tenth. When we tithe, we give 10% of our income to God first. God calls us to give as an act of obedience and also to give generously. Once you are faithfully tithing, we would like you to consider giving above and beyond.
Each year we set specific goals for outreach and campus expansion so that more and more people can be reached with the Gospel. Difference Makers are people who give sacrificially, above and beyond their tithe to help us expand the Kingdom of God locally, globally, and for future Christian leaders.
Watch this short teaching from Pastor Aaron to help you understand the difference between tithes, offerings, and Difference Makers giving.
As people of God, we give because God has given so much to us. God doesn't need our money, but he does want what it represents: our purposes, passions, and priorities.
Our giving makes a Kingdom impact locally in Reynoldsburg, across the country, and globally through missions efforts. We give to increase the Kingdom through our generosity so that we might reach those far from God.
We achieve this by giving 10% (a tithe of your tithes) directly to missionaries who are actively preaching the gospel, which is the good news about Jesus.
The missionaries we currently support are serving Indonesia, Estonia, El Salvador, Madagascar, Southern Iraq, Peninsular Asia, Germany, and The Ohio State University.
Then, we invest 100% of your Difference Maker giving, (any funds above and beyond the tithe), back into the expansion of God's work locally (35%), globally (40%), and into future Christian leaders (25%).
Locally we support the Ohio Ministry Network, Freedom City Collective, Embrace Grace, and Heart Food Pantry. We also fund our own outreach initiatives:
Joy Ride: brand new bikes given away in the 4th of July Parade
The Reynoldsburg Hope Center: providing food, sleeping bags, tents, personal hygiene items, laundry services, and showers to those experiencing homelessness
Holiday Hope: a Christmas program that restores dignity to parents and provides gifts for children
Community Support: helping people with counsel, resources and support for meeting their basic needs (food, housing, clothing), finances, mental health, recovery, life planning, and more.
Building Renovations: improving our facilities to be able to serve our community in increasingly greater ways
Globally we support Convoy of Hope, Speed the Light, Bible translation efforts, and capital projects for our mission trips and missionaries.
Finally, we give to future Christian leaders by investing in church planting efforts (OCMN, CMN, ARC), OMN Youth Camp scholarships, Heartland Retreat Center, Ignite Students, and Kids Min here at SC.


Click the "GIVE ONLINE" box below and follow the steps to give by Credit/Debit Card or by bank account.
You can setup one-time gifts for your Tithe and Difference Maker giving. Or you can plan your generosity by setting up recurring gifts for the amount and time of the month you choose.
via text
You can also use our "TEXT TO GIVE" option by texting any dollar amount to "84321". This can be used to give your tithe or give to Difference Makers (DM).
In the message field enter TITHE or DM, space, then the dollar amount, and then press the send button.
First time users will be sent a LINK to a page where you will be able to set up an account associated with your Credit or Debit Card or bank account information.

You can also give through your online banking account. To setup giving online through your bank, visit your bank's website and log in. You can easily setup one-time gifts or recurring gifts. Our Mailing address is:
Please keep us in prayer as we continue to serve this community. If you have a talent or skill and you'd like to donate your time to help us serve this community, we'd love to hear from you and find out how we can best utilize that gift.
The Words "THANK YOU" cannot fully express our gratitude for your partnership and support. We pray that God blesses you for being a blessing to us.

Here are some Sunday messages to watch from Pastor Aaron around the heart of generosity and the principles of giving.
Pastor Aaron shares how putting God first in our finances through tithing grows our faith and teaches us to always trust God.
In this message Pastor Aaron encourages you to plan, vision, dream and watch what God does with your over and above the tithe giving.
In this message, Pastor Aaron shares the way out if you want to grow in your generosity, but debt has you trapped.